Are you afraid to speak up for yourself for fear of being judged, rejected or alienated?
Do you say YES when you want to say NO because you don’t want to “rock the boat” or cause more conflict or drama?
Have you found yourself avoiding certain family members or disliking family gatherings because you don’t like the way you’re treated?
Then it’s time to learn how to Create Healthy Boundaries.

Who Is this for?
Heart-Centered women who want to improve the quality of their relationships with their family without compromising who they are.
You want to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and speak your TRUTH.
You want to be loved and accepted for who you are, without conditions.
If you’re ready to create the relationships you truly desire with your family, then let’s talk!
What Are Healthy Boundaries?
Healthy Boundaries is all about honouring you — your needs, desires, and preferences — so you can have deeper and more meaningful relationships with your family members.
Above all, Creating Healthy Boundaries is about standing in your divine feminine power and authentically expressing yourself with courage and confidence.