Are You Ready to Create Healthy Boundaries With Family Members
& Stand Up for Yourself?

Do you have a family member who….

…is manipulative?

…verbally or physically abusive?

…invalidates you?

…doesn’t listen very well?

…treats you with disrespect?

…judges you?

…doesn’t take responsibility for anything?

…often misunderstands you?

Imagine what it would be like if you could say what you really want to say to that family member and stand in your true power.

Sounds impossible, right?

Well, I can tell you from my own experience and the clients I’ve helped, that it IS possible.

Let me tell you why…

Years ago, I would never have believed that I could ever stand up to my father.  He was not only a physically big man, he was scary to be around when he got angry.

I learned early in life that it was best to keep quiet and not speak up. I became the “peacemaker”…it was safer that way.

It wasn’t until I was in my 40’s that I had the courage to finally stand up to him.

What I realized, after years of reading self-help books, and spending hundreds of dollars on counseling and learning how to connect with my inner guidance, was that as long as I waited for my father to change his behaviour towards me, nothing would change.

I discovered that if I wanted a better relationship with my father, it was up to me to change. I had to be willing to show up differently.

The biggest thing I learned was that it’s only when you recognize the magnificence of who you truly are that you can stop having difficult family members affect how you feel about yourself.

And, that’s exactly what happened with me and my relationship with my father. When I uncovered the truth about who I really am and recognized my own magnificence, my father could no longer hurt me.

Not only that, but I was then able to reclaim my power to live with peace and joy.

But the truth is that reclaiming or recognizing your magnificence is a journey and it starts by looking within you, at the wounds that you’ve experienced so that you can heal & release those wounds and finally free yourself from the pain that keeps you stuck in negative family patterns.

It wasn’t until I was in my 40’s that I had the courage to finally stand up to him.

What I realized, after years of reading self-help books, and spending hundreds of dollars on counseling and learning how to connect with my inner guidance, was that as long as I waited for my father to change his behaviour towards me, nothing would change.

I discovered that if I wanted a better relationship with my father, it was up to me to change. I had to be willing to show up differently.

The biggest thing I learned was that it’s only when you recognize the magnificence of who you truly are that you can stop having difficult family members affect how you feel about yourself.

And, that’s exactly what happened with me and my relationship with my father. When I uncovered the truth about who I really am and recognized my own magnificence, my father could no longer hurt me.

Not only that, but I was then able to reclaim my power to live with peace and joy.

But the truth is that reclaiming or recognizing your magnificence is a journey and it starts by looking within you, at the wounds that you’ve experienced so that you can heal & release those wounds and finally free yourself from the pain that keeps you stuck in negative family patterns.

I’m so grateful for all the time, energy and money I invested on healing from my past, learning to love myself and authentically express myself with courage and confidence.

Because of this, I was able to make peace with my father and willingly and lovingly take care of him during his last 2 months of life.

I know the pain of being in the midst of family conflict and drama and I also know the freedom of empowerment.

And that’s what I want for you…to be able to stand up for yourself no matter what, and express yourself with confidence and grace.

You don’t have to walk this path alone. Having walked this path myself, I’m happy to lead the way.

If you want to be able to…

  • create healthy boundaries
  • stand up for yourself
  • free yourself from past wounds
  • learn how to deal with conflict peacefully
  • authentically  & lovingly express yourself in the midst of hurt & anger

Then…I invite you to join my
Create Healthy Boundaries Group Mentoring Program
where you’ll be taken on a journey of self discovery and self liberation.

We keep the group nice and small so you don’t get lost in the crowd. Just you, me, and a small group of individuals with a desire to improve the quality of their family relationships–creating results together.

If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, here’s what to do next.

Just click the button below to schedule a chat.

I’ll be happy to answer all your questions and make sure this is a good fit for you.

Here’s What We’re Going to Achieve Together

1. Uncover Your Wounds

Identify what stops you from speaking up. I’ll help you look beneath the surface so you can become more aware of the unhealed wounds you’ve kept buried in order to protect yourself.

We’ll explore your fears, family dynamics and other factors that make it difficult for you to speak up for yourself and create healthy boundaries.

2. Heal Your Wounds

Release what gets in the way. I’ll support you in healing and letting go of your wounds so they will no longer hold you back.

It’s not as hard as you may think and I’ll show you some simple, yet effective ways to do this so you can free yourself from your past and experience more peace and joy in your relationships.

3. Create Healthy Boundaries

Respond confidently & powerfully even in the midst of conflict & drama. I’ll help you identify your needs, wants and desires and show you how to create healthy boundaries that honour them so you can stand in your power and communicate authentically and from your heart.

We’ll look at different communication strategies that can help you with this even when your boundaries are challenged.

Here’s What You Get

  • Simple, Step-by-Step Training videos delivered in bite sized pieces
  • Action Guides
  • Small Group Coaching
  • Recordings of all Calls
  • Accountability
  • Private Facebook Group for community support
  • Bonus Video Trainings & Resources
  • Lifetime Access to the Program

FREE Bonus #1: 60 Minute Private Coaching Call [Value: $222]

FREE Bonus #2: PDF Copy of My #1 Best Selling Book and Companion Exercise Guide

Sounds good? Here’s what to do next.  

Just click the button below to schedule a chat.

I’ll be happy to answer all your questions and make sure this is a good fit for you.


Some Happy Clients


The truly exceptional gift Marisa gave me was the ability to speak up for myself. I had a childhood fraught with mental-emotional abuse, where I would get punished for anything that remotely resembled confidence or personal power. Marisa taught me how to say things in a way that honors my boundaries while respecting others. She has reignited my self-respect & dignity. Thank you, Marisa from the bottom of my heart. ~Haley

Through working with Marisa,  I’ve learned how to, in the very moment it happens, recognize what I’m not happy with, instead of people pleasing and express my needs politely. Whereas before I had fear of rejection and arguments, I’ve learned how to calmly address issues and to move more fluidly to win-win situations. Marisa has given me greater confidence in expressing my needs and wants without creating bigger problems. ~Elizabeth 

I can use the ideas you shared to confidently and calmly identify when and how best to defend my boundaries in a way that is authentic and empowering. ~L.W.

What I found most valuable: becoming aware of how much I am saying yes without stopping to think through if it really works for me or not. I notice already I am pausing to consider my yes or no now. I wasn’t being very mindful about it when it comes to family members. ~A.A.

What I found most valuable – doing a deep dive into the corners of my soul and recognizing the difference between a heartfelt yes and an insincere yes. Recognizing this will help me make better choices. ~Randa

What I found most valuable was the opportunity to really examine the reasons for me not being able to clearly set my boundaries and say no when I NEED to. It gave me insight into how I can better face these situations from a place of honouring myself. Your examples of what to say in different situations were very helpful in giving me ways and a model for how to express my NOs in an authentic and caring way so that it both speaks my truth but does not come across as being selfish. ~Leslie

Marisa Ferrera empowers heart-centered women who struggle with conflict and drama in family relationships to calmly and powerfully speak up for themselves so they can create healthy, loving boundaries.

She is passionate about helping women break free from their fears and the negative family patterns that keep them from authentically expressing themselves and that trap them into saying YES to others and No to themselves.

She shows them how to stop living their lives based on the expectations and opinions of others and to recognize the truth about who they truly are, not who they’ve been conditioned to believe they are.

One of her greatest gifts is her ability to show women how to transform conflict into opportunities for healing so they can experience deeper connections with the people they love.

Marisa coaches and mentors with the intuitive understanding that life’s greatest challenges can be the catalyst that leads us to our greatest joy. Her coaching has been described as loving, compassionate, and non-judgmental.

She is well known for following her heart and inspiring and encouraging others to do the same. Her faith and trust in listening to her inner guidance led her to attract the love of her life and build her dream life in the beautiful country of Colombia, South America.

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